Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Gorrie Walk-A-Thon November 13th
When: Friday, November 13, 2015, 8:00am-10:15am
Where: Gorrie Elementary
What:  A Walk-a-thon to raise funds for our school. The event will take place at school, during regular school hours. Please come and cheer on our amazing students and teachers as they walk the perimeter of our school.
Why: This event benefits Gorrie Elementary School by providing funds for resources such as teacher training, events, technology and facility improvements, class programs and many other items to continuously improve the learning experience for our children.
This year, the funds being raised will be used to support our teachers through classroom grants for continuing education workshops and seminars, science projects, writing aids, and supplemental materials not provided by the county that our teachers believe will make a difference in learning in our classrooms. A portion of the funds will also supplement the art and music department, ongoing maintenance, repair and replacement of visual aid equipment in every classroom, and our Gorrie Cares service projects which allows our students to give back to the community. For a list of how last year's Gorrie PTA funds were used, click here.

How Do I Register?
Type in the following link into your search browser.
1.    Go to Click on the Registration button in the menu to the left
2.   Find your child's teacher(s) and join their class team
3.   Add photos and/or video of your child
4.   Send your child’s fundraising link to family, friends and co-workers asking them to sponsor your child

5.   Paper forms are also available for download here and in the Gorrie Elementary main office. Please only use this form if you do not wish to use our super easy online fundraising site. You will save a lot of time (for yourself and volunteers) if you ask for donations online!

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